Dear Planksters,
How are you all? I hope you’ve had a good creative week!

Today I want to share with you the two influential and highly informative podcasts that have infiltrated into my artistic life.

The first comes from three very different but highly skilled working children’s book illustrators, Jake Parker, Will Terry and Lee White, between them they have a wealth of experience and several wacky stories that they generously share in their ‘3 Point Perspective’ Podcast, sponsored by their online art school, SVS (Society of Visual Storytelling) Learn.
It worth listening just for the banter alone, however, they cover a very wide range of topics related to life as an illustrator including preparing your portfolio, being visible on social media, how to stay healthy as an illustrator, contracts, working with publishers, managing your time… and the list goes on. They also take questions from listeners that can be posted via their online form
They occasionally have guest illustrators on which seems to happen when one of the three aren’t available, and, whilst very interesting, I privately mourn the regular podcast and yearn for its return (I think I miss the familiar chemistry and bants between the three!)
Incidentally, they’ve just reached their 100th episode (Congratulations!) so if you’ve only just come across them; you’re in a happy place as you have plenty of listening hours to create to!

The second podcast is a smorgasbord (do you know how much I’ve longed to use that word?!) of interviews with illustrators and figures related to the illustration industry expertly hosted by Giuseppe Castellano entitled ‘The Illustration Department Podcast’.
Mr. Castellano has a wonderful way of interviewing folk, his style is relaxed and informal which makes the whole interview feel like a chat with a friend over a cuppa. His guests include artists, art directors, agents, animators, designers and many more from the world of illustration – the list is very impressive. He encourages his guests to talk about their careers, how they started, how they got their breaks, who their influences were, their advice and tips for people starting their careers etc. all highly informative and inspiring.
Again, loads of back episodes to indulge in if you’ve not yet come across this podcast!
These podcasts make great background listening when creating and have only broadened my mind. Check them out!
3 Point Perspective
The Illustration Department Podcast
Planksters, I’d love to hear your thoughts on these and what you like to listen to whist beavering away on your artistic projects!
With a hop, a skip and a jump (that was actually higher than I had anticipated!),
Thalamus Plank